Protests, Demos and Stayaways

Protests, Demos and Stayaways

Do they work in Zimbabwe?

General Justification

  • Harsh Economic conditions
  • Chronic unemployment
  • Hyperinflation
  • Poor Service Delivery
  • Harsh Political Conditions
  • Chronic poverty and perpetual retrogression

Constitutional and Legal Position

  • Yes, the Constitution in theory provides space for peaceful protests
  • However, peaceful protests are a phenomenon of mature democracies; Countries such as Canada, France, Germany, Britain etc have the space and conditions for effective protests
  • Zimbabwe’s democratic institutions are either very weak or broken and protests can easily be overtaken by unintended consequences

Underlying Root Causes for Zimbabwe Challenges

The harsh realities of today’s socio-economic and political environment are broadly a result of the underlying root causes below.

  • Endemic corruption and Bad Stewardship
  • Weak or Broken Institutions
  • Poor Leadership/ management and or people skills particularly in the area of public service and nation building
  • Lack of a shared vision and a shared socio-economic and political system
  • Cultural identity Crisis for most native Zimbabweans

Strategic Options for Sustainable Solutions

  • Without effective or mature democracy, which is the case for Zimbabwe; Protests, demos or stayaways are arguably more self-destructive and unproductive
  • An inclusive dialogue and reconciliatory approach is much more suitable for this political environment.
  • Prayers and advocacy promoting national peace and national integration are very critical
  • Zimbabwe’s ongoing challenges mostly stem from the above underlying root causes none of which can be resolved by protests.