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What we do

“We are a broad and inclusive apolitical platform for national reconciliation, national renewal and sustainable nation building.”

Our Campaigns

National Reconciliation and Renewal Campaign

Every generation throughout history has had periods of great challenge and adversity. However, the people’s ability to collaborate as a unified force has always made the biggest difference.

Now that Zimbabwe if free and independent - Joshua M.N Nkomo

Josiah Tongogara Speaks on Racial Harmony

National Reconciliation & Renewal Manifesto

We as Zimbabweans, have talked through our challenges; We have taken time to revisit our
past, so that we can better understand our progression, present reality and cultural heritage.

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Zimbabwe Prophecy

by Cindy Jacobs

Community Cohesion & Development

Fragmentation, individualism and corruption are the main dominant nature of present-day society coupled with issues of nepotism, tribalism and racism.

Education & Youth Empowerment

It is our corporate duty as parents and citizens, to develop an education system and curriculum that is both suitable and adequate for our children and young people. This will ensure that they are competitive and fully equipped for the 21st century challenges.

Nationhood & Institutional Development

Our cultural heritage has layers of challenges, some of which can be traced back to our pre-colonial subsistence society, whilst our other cultural traits stem from the divide and rule tactics of the colonial era which compounded our loss of cultural identity.

Diaspora Integration

Many Zimbabweans for either political or economic reasons left and continue to leave Zimbabwe for various diaspora destinations. These people have mostly settled in South Africa, the United Kingdom, North America, Europe and Australia amongst other countries or regions.

Supporting the weak & vulnerable

In as much as we must prioritize the development of the national grid and public institutions; we should never forget to lend a helping hand of compassion to the weak and vulnerable amongst us.




Watch Our Videos

Peace Message - Chief Chisunga

ZiNRA Poem

Political Violence Reparation

Now that Zimbabwe if free and independent - Joshua M.N Nkomo

Josiah Tongogara Speaks on Racial Harmony

ZiNRA Choir

News Articles

Brief to the Zimbabwean Churches

Preamble Zimbabweans have experienced many challenges for a very long time. Greed, corruption, nepotism, bad stewardship and political violence have become endemic across the nation;

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