ZiNRA Blog Thematic Guidelines

Terms of Reference for the ZiNRA Blog Thematic Areas

The guidelines below are to aid a structured dialogue and underwriting process by thematic area. Each committee is to research and document in summary (not more than one page) the legal, constitutional or cultural framework of each particular thematic area including fundamental principles and policy position covering the following;

  • 1st Scenario – the situation prevailing at Independence
  • 2nd Scenario – the current prevailing situation
  • 3rd Scenario – a draft suggested way forward for engagement and debate on public forums until a final version is agreed and adopted.

Each thematic committee of three to five members must have at least one female/male member and also at least one member from the Diaspora community.

The lead member of the committee will coordinate the preparation of the draft and then work with the other members of the committee in finalising the document. Research Support from staff/volunteers in the secretariat team will be given wherever possible.
Time Frame

  • Each thematic committee must complete their work within 90 days from the date the committee is constituted.

Guiding Principles

  • This is a non-partisan and all-inclusive national platform for brand Zimbabwe, promotion of any partisan agenda will not be allowed.
  • Committee members are expected to avail themselves for participation physically where possible and via a live skype connection if they are unable to travel.
  • Where members are unable to attend, an official written apology before the meeting is required preferably as soon as the member decides that they won’t be attending any meeting.

Reporting Structure

  • The Thematic areas are grouped under the relevant Thematic cluster on the ZiNRA Blog and each Thematic area committee reports to their relevant Thematic cluster coordinator who in turn reports and submits to all the other Thematic cluster coordinators.


  • Zimbabwean people with relevant technical ability are kindly requested to volunteer to be part of the committees of any of these Thematic areas. Together, let us arise and build our new Zimbabwe!

“Our nation has failed not because of the few people who get things wrong, but the majority of us who watch and do nothing about it”