Zimbabwe Reconciliation Message Promo

Greetings, Salibonani, Mhoroi, Kaiwani Mhuri yeZimbabwe. Vana Vevhu. Most of us are fed up and tired of the brokenness and retrogression that characterizes the prevailing narrative of our Zimbabwe. Indeed our Zimbabwe is broken and has become ruins and desolations

Greetings, Salibonani, Mhoroi, Kaiwani Mhuri yeZimbabwe. Vana Vevhu. Most of us are fed up and tired of the brokenness and retrogression that characterizes the prevailing narrative of our Zimbabwe. Indeed our Zimbabwe is broken and has become ruins and desolations

Most of us have lost hope and somewhat given up on our motherland. Nyika  yedu yechipikirwa, Nyika yemadziteteguru edu; Beautiful Zimbabwe – Our first love. We could go to the distant lands of the globe in the Diaspora but our umbilical codes can never be separated from Zimbabwe.  Tiri vana vevhu. We are one and we belong together. We should never turn our backs on our motherland.

The people of the nations have experienced hardships and adversity at different times throughout history. There was a time when Americans went through the great depression. They would overcome this and today they have a great and affluent economy.

There was a time when Europe was burning under the strong arm of Hitler. Millions and Millions of people were killed. Hitler would be defeated. This dark period eventually passed and peace and stability came to this region

Our time of adversity in Zimbabwe has been protracted. This long season of adversity has a feeling of invincibility and impossibility resulting in the prevailing dominant fatigue and hopelessness among the people

It feels like we have been groping in an endless dark tunnel. Many have been praying and fasting but it still feels as if the light at the end of the dark tunnel remains unreachable. If any Zimbabwean listening feels this way, then hear me mwana wevhu; this season of adversity and brokenness shall surely pass and daybreak is now on the horizon.

I am mindful that there are some among us vaora mwoyo. They have given and sacrificed so much on previous similar campaign initiatives which seemingly yielded nothing. Vakuru vakati sango rinopa vaneta. Surely we cannot give up on Zimbabwe and our people because of past failures. God is doing a new thing through the ministry of reconciliation. We pray for grace, new ideas, and divine intervention. Come Lord Jesus come and mediate our reconciliation and renewal process.

This national reconciliation campaign is our crossing bridge from the current brokenness and retrogression to our envisioned sunlight plains of Justice, righteousness, and shared prosperity. Now is the time and season for the sons and daughters of Munhumutapa, Mzilikazi, and Cecil John Rhodes to converge at the table of brotherhood and become unified, organized, and renewed. Tiri vanhu vamwechete, Sibantubanye (Ubuntu), we are one people and we belong together.

We appeal to every citizen to join the campaign and take a position for national reconciliation. This campaign is about the people coalescing on this one thing through teamwork, collective responsibility, and inclusive participation. Vana vevhu, Munhu wese, Sisonke

We appeal to every citizen to share this message and mobilize others from their respective families and social networks to join this campaign

Our duty and primary responsibility as citizens is to get our priorities in order and do first things first. If we want to come out of the current brokenness, and I believe we do, we must all prioritize national reconciliation. We must stand up for Truth, Justice, righteousness, and nationhood. As we do this, we will be able to break the walls and strongholds of segregation, fragmentation, individualism, and corruption. God’s grace will flow and bring with it healing and renewal for the nation.

The Lord God of Heaven is the mediator of this reconciliation process. We must only believe and trust him to do what only He can do. The heavy lifting. Trust me fellow Zimbabweans, we serve a majestic and powerful savior. Nothing, and absolutely nothing is impossible with him

Siyabonga, Tatenda, Thank you

Respectively submitted by William Chimbetete – Campaign Director

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