Chenai is an Entrepreneur and has operated in business since 2005. She holds qualifications in Business Management and Business Administration and has a passion for leadership development.
She is a Pastor at PAOZ, Hope Community Church, having graduated from Charis Bible College Zimbabwe in November 2019. Chenai has a passion to disciple the Church so that people grow to maturity. As people are grounded in the word, they will grow in the desire for ministry and going out to serve others, thereby extending the Kingdom of God. She believes that the most effective way to bring positive change to Zimbabwe and world is through the preaching of the gospel.
Chenai has been married for 20 years and blessed with 3 children.
Founder of Eternal Paths Pentecost Ministries Int’l; Chairperson of the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe Intercessors’ Network [EFZIN], and the current EFZ Harare Provincial Treasurer, an Associate Minister with the Morris Cerullo World Evangelism [MCWE].