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Rumbi Chiutsu

Cultural Affairs

Rumbi Chiutsu worked as a French and English teacher in the Ministry of Education, and as a Teaching assistant in one of Zimbabwe’s state Universities. Her interests in  languages, culture  and  intercultural relations,  both  in Zimbabwe and in Africa,  were largely shaped by her multicultural life experiences in the  4 different regions in  Zimbabwe she has lived and worked in.   She was involved in  translation and interpreting  projects such the 1995 All Africa Games , and a translation a collection of short stories from Francophone Africa entitled  ” Fools, thieves and other dreamers ” for the Zimbabwe international book fair, to name a few.

In 2010 she was involved in a co-presentation entitled “intercultural dialogue among the Batwa in the Congo.” at a conference in applied   interculturality, in Graz Austria. Rumbi also has music and arts interests which landed her a role in the London 2012 opening and closing ceremonies.  She hopes to be instrumental in the reconciliation of what she feels are politicised linguistic and cultural identities in Zimbabwe, through this platform.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]